Monday, January 14, 2019
How Does Jesus Show People Are More Important Than Law
How does rescuer show pot are more significant than the practice of law? Do you agree? Explain why or why not. the Nazarene suggests that people are more pregnant than the law through many of his actions and the things he preached, that went against or undermined the strict Laws the J swish society he was born(p) into held to. Many of these actions and the things he said could be interpreted to mean that the Nazarene did not think these laws were not applicable in some carnival dances anymore and so neednt be obeyed, resulting in him proportioning people, and more imp ardently, love, over some of the laws.Jesus first specifies that people have priority over law in Mark 22328, where h e states in particular Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. % This s suggests that he was challenging the free society that the Pharisees had created, where it was no longer about keeping the laws to honor paragon and for the service of man, that instead about abi dong to t he laws and being penalise if you didnt. In stating this, Jesus is e emphasizing this and suggesting that the laws were not the well-nigh important thing and mercy o n the people was more important if the laws were not kept than punishment.This idea is again submitted in John 81 1 1, where instead of punishing the adulterous woman, Jesus grants m Eric on her and instead says Now go and leave your life of sin. This again implies people are more important than upholding the law, although it is obvious that each scenario is contrasting and must be handled accordingly. Instead of emphasizing law as the intimately important thing, Jesus instead introduce sec Love as the nearly important commandment over keeping the law. This is made unmixed I n Mark 122831, when Jesus stated the closely important commandment is Love the Lord your God with all your heart, LU, spirit and Strength and the second being Love your neighbor our as yourself. Jesus goes on in Luke 102537 to specify t hat being someones neighbor is h avian mercy on others, shown in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Within this parable, J sees also depicts the neighbor as being an enemy of the injured man who broke the Jewish law by touching someone unclean (even though he himself was a Gentile so this din t apply to him but apply to the injured man, whom his own society would have rejected), b UT was identify as doing the right thing even by the Jews listening to the story.Jesus is thereof emphasizing the value of earth over upholding the law, stemming from cacti Eng out of love for them. Jesus also impressed upon the disciples this concept of the laws no longer en ding to be forced upon people and therefore everything being allowed, but the laws ha vying our best interests in mind so keeping them should be for our benefit , and not for the sake of keeping them. This is echoed by Paul in 1 Corinthians 612 when he states everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial. .This shows humans as now, through Jesus, being et free from the laws, but also states that the laws were in the beginning put in place e for our benefit and protection, thereby suggesting the most logical thing to do would be to u uphold them, but 18/11/14 By Amelia Parkinson Ethics Prep Questions serious no longer having to strictly abide by them for the sake of doing so, and m meaning the old laws can now be broken if it is the most loving action to do. Personally, agree with the approach Jesus has to the laws, and think that Poe strip down should take priority over abiding by the laws.
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